Continuing Education – Self Paced Online Courses
Register Anytime – Complete At Your Own Pace
No All-Day Meetings – No Travel
All 24 CEU hours in one place
8 Hours TCEQ APPROVED CEU credits – Cost $185
Course Description:
The principles taught in this online irrigation training course are practical and immediately useful. We’ll introduce you to your number one competitor and show you how to beat him every time.
This self paced class provides detailed information about estimating and bidding profitably for Landscape Irrigators. Included are fundamentals of cost accounting, different methods used in estimating, cost reduction, calculating price and preparing the proposal. How to MARKET your business and SELL your proposal are very important sections.
Before purchasing this online course, please review the following TCEQ rules on CEU Irrigation Training.
You must have a valid Texas Irrigator License, a valid Texas Irrigation Technician License, or a Texas Irrigation Inspector License.
To receive proper TCEQ CEU credit of (8) hours for this course you must navigate through each slide, pass a quiz at the end of each module with a passing score of 70 or better. You will be unable to go to the next module until you have passed the current module
If you don’t have a Texas Irrigator License, a Texas Irrigation Technician License, or a Texas Irrigation Inspector License, you can still complete the course and receive a Certificate of Completion from Fisher Irrigation Training.
CEU credit for this course cannot be repeated during the same 3 year renewable period. It can be repeated for credit in future renewable periods.
Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF Format) and Microsoft Excel (XLS Format) are recommended to complete this course. The course system is compatible with most modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge and is compatible in both Windows and Mac OS platforms.
If you have any questions, concerns or issues with the material presented in this course or if you have any technical difficulties in using the system please email and include as much detail about your issue as you can.
Fisher Irrigation Training
© 2023 Fisher Irrigation Training